Bylaws, Organization, Procedures

The following have evolved since the original August 2013 members meeting with changes over the years:

Capital GU By-laws v2022

CGU Organization

The application process was approved by the CRU Executive Committee during January 2014:

Applying for Capital Rugby Union club membership.

General policies (effective August 5, 2017):

Grants for Clubs Advancing to a USAR Championship Event: After the completion of MAC Championships in 15s or 7s, clubs advancing to a USAR championship or playoff round may request $2000 for 15s or $1000 for 7s to defray expenses. This is on a per-event basis. While clubs may have registered as Capital teams for MAC competitions, the allocation will only be provided to clubs that are accepted as Capital Rugby Unions members.

There are no allocations to individual players going to national events or Eagles trials or matches.